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17 Day Trekking & Hiking

An unforgettable trek through the remote splendour of themagnificent Simien region.Often compared for its scenic beauty to the Grand Canyon, theSimien Mountains National Park is one of the major highlandsof Africa. Its peaks include Ras Dashen, which at 4533m is thehighest peak in Ethiopia.The Park is a World Heritage Site, and is rich with wildlifetotally unique to the region, including the scarlet-chested Gelada Baboon, the Alia Ibex and the Simien Fox. Themountains are also home to diverse plant-life and over fiftyspecies of bird.

Day 01

Gondar to Sankaber

You will depart early morning from Gondar to Debark. In debark you will arrange your visit with the park office and receive a scout and guide then drive into the park to arrive at Sankaber. You can either drive all the way in to Sankaber or have the car drop you off near Buyit Ras for a short hike. If you choose to hike in you will take in beautiful views of the landscape and the endless mountain ridges, and you likely see some gelada baboons. When you arrive in Sankaber you will be met with your supplies. Sankaber will be the first campsite on your trip.

Day 02

Sankaber to Geech Camp

From Sankaber you will begin hiking following the ridge and look out over the foothills 800m down. From the ridge you will descend down into the valley and be able to view the Jinbar River plunging into the Geech Abyss. After some time at the waterfall you will continue on to Geech village where you will find your second campsite.

Day 03

Geech to Imet Gogo to Siha Gorge to Keda Dit to Geech

After breakfast at geech campsite you will hike through the grass plateau that are home to the, appropriately titled, Giant Lobelia plants. After about 2 hours you will reach Imet Gogo which is an amazing 360 degree view of the Simien Mountains. Here you will have reached an altitude of 3,926m and be able to look out at the amazing landscape from 360 degrees. At this height and view point you can see the canyon below, distant ridges, and view the seemingly never ending valleys. From here you will return to Geech, but first you will pass through Siha Gorge for a lunch break. When you arrive back at Geech you will have time to relax from the hike. Before nightfall you will have the option of taking a short sunset hike to Keda Dit. You will spend the night back at Geech.

Day 04

Geech to Innatye to Chennek

After breakfast at Geech you start your 7 hour hike to one of the most spectacular passing in the mountains. From the campsite you will walk SE towards Innatye where you will descend into a forest of Giant Hazel and through the ridgelines open grasslands. After climbing up to Innatye to view the vertical drop you will see why locals named it to mean “mama mia”. Here you will have lunch and continue on towards Chennek where you will be able to view the wildlife like, Walia Ibex and Gelada baboons, and plant life. Chennek will be your campsite for the night.

Day 05

Chenneck to Ambiko

After breakfast you will hike for 2 hours and summit the Buwahit pass (4,200m). From here you can look out towards your hike for tomorrow, Ras Dashen. You will follow the path down towards Meseha valley and cross a river and back up again towards Ambiko where you will camp for the night.

Day 06

Starting early, you will continue up the valley to thevillage of Mizma, after which you will have a steep ascent toa ridgecrestoverlooking a large valley. The path then followsalong the sideofthe valley, straight at Ras Dashen. You willeventually reach apointwhere you will see three distinctbuttresses. The buttress onthe leftis the summit of RasDashen. A pile of rocks at the top ofthe buttressmarks thesummit. After your successful arrival at the highest pointin Ethiopia, then continue to Dilibiza (3400m) total trekking time 8-9 hours.

Day 07

Dilibiza – Fogayes 

after an erealy breakfast, depart From Dilibiza to Fogayes. This area is an outstanding place to view birds, particularly raptors. Manyinteresting species can be seen here, among which arethe tawny eagle, lammergeyer and augur buzzard. Here you have a rewarding view of the highest Mount Ras Dashen and the surrounding escarpment andmountains. After a brief rest and lunch in this majesticspot, begin your 2-3 hour descent to the camp. total trekking time 6-7 hours

Day 08

Fogeyes – Shfiru

Today descends into the lowlands as passing several of the beautiful spots which we had seen from above on the trek yesterday.and One of the most scenic and spectacular trails in thepark, this route takes you to a viewpoint that rewardsyou with views of the remarkable shape of thelandscape and canyon which are the result ofgeological upheaval between 60 – 70 million years ago. Overnight Camp. Total trekking time 7-8 hours

Day 09

Trek from Shifru – Mender Cherkos

(1,78300m): 6- 7 hoursThe day begins with a downhill walk to the Meshihu River(one of the tributaries of the Tekeze River that drainstowards Sudan, and joins the Deli River .) Locatedat 1,775m, the river is surrounded by big fig trees. Thedescent is approximately 1,000m and takes 3 – 4 hours.After you reach the river, you continue on flat groundfor about 2-3 hours. The trail offers splendid views of theriverine forest. The trail then winds its way into thelowland where visitors will experience the enormous,lowland flora that is now rare in Ethiopia. Overnight Camping.

Day 10

Mender Cherkos – Tekzeye

after an erealy breakfast, trek Through The beautiful and spectacular landscape along the Semien Mountains and Meshihu Gorge.and after having lunch, You will follow the path down towards Tekeza valley and cross the Tekeza river and back up again towards Tekezy where you will camp for the night.

Day 11

Tekeze – Tiska

after Breakfast , continue to Tiska. The 7 hours trek will take you through rural villages, offering wonderful insight into the Ageew culture. Overnight Camping

Day 12

Tisika – Sireal

Iin the morning, continu to Sireal ,overlooking the camp from where you just came.and the most beautiful views over the lowlands and the escarpment. This is also a good place for spotting lammergeiers.Overnight camping in Sireal Total trekking time: 7 – 9 hours

Day 13

Sireal – Sekota Trek from Sireal – Sekota

The shortest trek on the entire trip, takes you for 6 hours of a gentle stroll downhill to Sekota. The scenery and the valley of the lowland villages areattractive. Here, you can either take publictransportation or arrange for a car to meet you. Overnight Camping ( hotel )

Day 14

Sekota – As ketema

On this day, you trek through the Beautiful and the finale view of your trip.

Day 15

As ketema – Saba 

after an erealy breakfast, depart from As Ketema to Saba, on the way you will visit the market activitie of Ageew ppeople’s.

Day 16

Saba – Bilbela 

After an early breakfast, depart from Saba to Bilibela .Here you will have spectacular views over thelowland. Overnight Camping Total ttrekking 7-8 hours

Day 17

Bilbela – Lalibela 

Today you will drive / trek to to Lalibela. Here you will pass through several small villages, with typicals and stone homes of the Ageew well as through this ruralarea for the stunning approach to the home of Ethiopia’s mostprized destination Lalibela. Overnight in Lalibela Camping (hotel). 


  • 4WD transportation to and fromGonder
  • guide
  • scout
  • professional cook
  • Complete cooking materials
  • mule(s) & mule handler
  • tent
  • sleeping bags & mattresses
  • Tables & chairs on the mountain trek
  • all park entrance fees
  • plenty of food & bottled mineralwater
  • Camping fire every single nights.
  • excluding : alcoholic drinks
4 day trekk
Day 1: Drive from Gondar to the first campsite (Sankaber) in the Simien Mountains national park (2:30 hrs drive, 2-3 hrs). Camping at Sankaber (3250 m) Day 2: Walk to the second campsite Gich. On the way, sight Jinbahir water fall (450-500m). 5-6 hrs walk, camping at 3600m Day 3: Walk to the third camp Chenek (climb up two spectacular mountain peaks Imet Gogo (3926 m) and Inatye (4070 m), 7-8 hrs walk including break. Camping at 3600m Day 4: Climb up 800m to reach one of the highest mountain peaks in the Simien Mountains, Buwahit (4430m) and back down to chenek. It takes 5-6 hrs for both ways and then drive back to Gondar for overnight.
5 day trekk
Day 1: Drive from Gondar to the first campsite (Sankaber) in the Simien Mountains national park (2:30 hrs drive, 2-3 hrs). Camping at Sankaber (3250 m) Day 2: Walk to the second campsite Gich. On the way, sight Jinbahir water fall (450-500m). 5-6 hrs walk, camping at 3600m Day 3: Acclimatization day and walking around Gich, mainly to sight the three most spectacular view points (Imet Gogo, Seha, Kedadit). 4 hrs walk, Camping at Gich again Day 4: Walk from Gich to Chenek, through a mountain peak Inatye (4070m). (6-7 hrs walk including break). Camping at 3600m Day 5: Climb up 800m to reach one of the highest mountain peaks in the Simien Mountains, Buwahit (4430m) and back down to Chenek. It takes 5-6 hrs for both ways and then drive back to Gondar for overnight.


Simiens Trekking to Lalibela

17 Day Trekking & Hiking

An unforgettable trek through the remote splendour of themagnificent Simien region.Often compared for its scenic beauty to the Grand Canyon, theSimien Mountains National Park is one of the major highlandsof Africa. Its peaks include Ras Dashen, which at 4533m is thehighest peak in Ethiopia.The Park is a World Heritage Site, and is rich with wildlifetotally unique to the region, including the scarlet-chested Gelada Baboon, the Alia Ibex and the Simien Fox. Themountains are also home to diverse plant-life and over fiftyspecies of bird.


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Ethnic and Nature

South Ethiopia Nature & Ethnic Tour

Travel down past the Rift Valley lakes and coffee plantations to the Omo valley. Meet some of Africa’s most fascinating and colourful ethnic groups. The journey begins in Addis Ababa, then drive south to Arba Minch, the springboard to the Omo valley. Visit the market towns of Turmi and Jinka and visit the Mursi, Karo, Dassanech and Hamer tribes. Continue to Aregash Lodge in Yirgalem, where superb food and warm hospitality ease you into some welcome relaxation time.


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